Chinese Peacekeeping Engineering Contingent to Lebanon Passes UN Military Capability Assessment

The 21st Chinese peacekeeping multi-role engineering company to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) received the UN military capability assessment on May 17 and passed all subjects with high standards.

The assessment group, involving 11 members from seven departments of the headquarters of the UNIFIL, conducted a comprehensive inspection of 695 items in 17 categories on the personnel, intelligence, training, defense and communication.

It is learned that this is a systematic assessment featuring wide coverage on the peacekeeping forces by the UN, aiming to examine the capabilities of fulfilling peacekeeping missions with high standards and effectively handling various emergencies.

The Chinese peacekeeping contingent was verified to meet the assessment standards through an all-around inspection and passed its last UN military capability assessment during its mission period with excellent performance.

Since deployed in August 2022, the contingent has cleared over 6,900 square meters of minefield and safely removed more than 1,250 mines and one unexploded bomb cumulatively, contributing significantly to maintaining peace and stability in southern Lebanon.

Source : CMC

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